Trevalli Cooperlat is a dynamic and modern agrifood cooperative company. After sixty years of work, it has positioned itself between best in class firms of the Italian dairy industry.
The company resulted from the cohesion of 11 cooperatives, located in 7 different Italian regions. The headquarters is in Jesi, in the province of Ancona, where is located the main production site which is realizing the majority of the total production, except from cheeses, mozzarella, ricotta and yogurts. Together with associated producers, we have the opportunity to offer fresh milk, high quality milk, extended-life milk, long-life UHT milk, bechamel, butter, soft cheeses and hard cheeses.
When a customer buys TREVALLI fresh and high-quality milk in Ancona, CIGNO milk in Abruzzo, FRESCO MARCHE milk in Ascoli Piceno and ABIT milk in Piedmont, he knows that the product is local. This characteristic is well highlighted on every commercial product, regardless of the particular brand with which it is associated. The same happens in all national markets that are served.
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